As mindfulness and compassion teachers, we know how important it is that we show up solidly rooted, fully present and with an open heart.
After all, what our words are saying is not nearly as important as what our presence is modeling.
We are the teachers. But our students learn more from how we show up than from what we tell them.
Yet who among us doesn’t have a history, habits or our own pain that can make it a challenge to show up consistently the way we need to for our participants?
Because it’s sometimes difficult for all of us to remain centered, strong and open-hearted in teaching — especially in moments of personal stress, distraction or challenging behavior from others — I’ve created Embodied Presence: Cultivating Wisdom and Compassion in Teaching a 2-session LIVE online workshop to support you in regulating your own affect and accessing new levels of compassion for self and others — so you can empower your participants to do the same.
In Session One we will focus on developing your capacity to be in your care system as a tool for regulating your own affect. In Session Two we will focus on developing both the strong back (strength) and also the soft front (vulnerability) of teaching to expand your capacity to teach from true compassion.
When you decide to join Michelle Becker, M.A., LMFT, international compassion teacher and founder of Wise Compassion, for Embodied Presence, you will discover:
“I have worked alongside some of the most experienced and respected teachers in the world, and Michelle is my steadfast go-to person for all aspects of teaching and mentoring. With her unique blend of embodied love and compassion, long personal practice, and great intellect and knowledge of the psychological subtleties that arise in teaching, she offers me continuous insight and depth I would otherwise miss. I highly recommend Michelle’s workshop for teachers. This opportunity is not something you can find anywhere else. I have been teaching mindfulness and compassion for over 15 years, and I certainly plan to attend because I continue to learn from Michelle and hope that I always will.”
Beth Mulligan, PA-C
Senior Advisor, The UCSD MBSR Teacher Training Pathway,
Certified MSC Teacher/International Teacher Trainer,
NIH Researcher on MBSR and
Author of The Dharma of Modern Mindfulness
“Michelle is a master teacher whose sensitivity and depth of knowledge ensures a great learning experience for anyone who trains with her. She has the gift of helping others to see more clearly.”
Lorraine M. Hobbs, M.A.
Founder/Director, Family & Educational Programs
University of California San Diego Center for Mindfulness
Certified Teacher | Trainer | MBSR Mentor
Co-author of Making Friends with Yourself: A Mindful Self-Compassion Program for Teens & Young Adults
“Michelle is one of the finest compassion teachers I know. She helped to build the Mindful Self-Compassion teacher training from scratch and knows how to bring out the best in everyone. You won’t want to miss this special opportunity.”
Chris Germer, PhD
Co-founder of the Mindful Self-Compassion program, clinical psychologist and lecturer on psychiatry at Harvard Medical School, author of The Mindful Self-Compassion Workbook, Teaching the Mindful Self-Compassion Program and The Mindful Path to Self-Compassion
When you register, you’ll get immediate access to everything you need to take full advantage of the workshop, including:
Registration Is Now Open For The
2-Session LIVE Online Workshop
Embodied Presence:
Cultivating Wisdom and Compassion in Teaching
Tuesday, May 3rd and Thursday, May 5th
9 a.m. to Noon PT
Michelle Becker is a licensed marriage and family therapist and compassion teacher who knows that human beings thrive in healthy, well connected relationships. Yet, that’s not always our experience. She also recognized that most of us are underdeveloped in skills that are fundamental to those relationships – compassion and wisdom. She founded Wise Compassion with the bold intention of changing the way we relate to each other.
Through workshops, keynotes, podcasts, live events and online education, Michelle shares the knowledge and tools required for people to relate to each other better.
A teacher of teachers, she is co-developer of the Mindful Self-Compassion Teacher Training, a mentor of MSC teachers and teacher trainers, a senior teacher of the Compassion Cultivation Training program and a Certified Daring Way™ Facilitator.
She is passionate about connecting people with experts, current research and useful practices. Michelle is the developer of the Compassion for Couples™ program.
Michelle is also the founder and leader of the Well Connected online learning community — a group of individuals dedicated to developing their compassion skills and practicing (extra)ordinary acts that create resilient relationships. Members receive free access to Michelle’s Well Connected Relationships monthly podcast and Compassion-Builder emails full of actionable advice anyone can use to develop compassion skills and change the way you relate to yourself and others.
At Wise Compassion, we offer compassion training to people who want to change the way they relate to others – and ultimately experience more resilience, trust, healthy connection and satisfaction in their relationships.
We focus on compassion because of its unique power to alleviate the human suffering – our own and others’ – that so often occurs inside our relationships. Building compassion skills is also something everyone can do, once you discover how.
We focus on wisdom because it helps us see clearly in our relationships and discern what would be truly compassionate, not just nice or compliant. Just as a bird needs two wings to fly, we must cultivate compassion with wisdom for our relationships to truly thrive.
When you can tap into that wisdom and compassion with ease, it changes the way you relate to others. And your relationships get better! For more information, visit
Copyright © 2020 · Michelle Becker, LMFT | 858.748.6037 |